Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Have to say that the solar FIT is, imo, far too high and provides far too high an ROI which fostered the boom/bust cycle in Spain.

Even cutting the solar FIT in half would almost certainly leave it a very profitable investment, more than profitable enough to sustain a good growth curve that would enable constantly lowered cost of production which enables moving the FIT down gradually year-to-year.

Thus, perhaps, cut the FIT in half and reduce it by 1 Euro Cent / kWh or so each year for new installations.  

Blogging regularly at Get Energy Smart. NOW!!!

by a siegel (siegeadATgmailIGNORETHISdotPLEASEcom) on Wed Apr 28th, 2010 at 09:15:28 AM EST

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