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Generally speaking this doesn't show up in the numbers. While it is true that building practices are not as good in these states, the heating season is much shorter. Cooling is much more of a problem I'd say.

I think I may be able to distil some numbers on this matter to get a clearer picture.


by Luis de Sousa (luis[dot]de[dot]sousa[at]protonmail[dot]ch) on Mon Apr 12th, 2010 at 04:34:27 AM EST
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It would be interesting to have some numbers on this. I've read somewhere (unfortunately lost origin) that the energy spent/lost on buildings (all: heating and cooling) in Southern Europe, was massive.

I would be nice to have a quantitative grip on how much energy is lost.

by t-------------- on Mon Apr 12th, 2010 at 11:18:29 AM EST
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I did some googling and found this:

EarthTrends: Data Tables - Energy and Resources

Energy and Resources
Select a data table from the list.
Energy Consumption by Sector 2005

The "residential" category should give some clues. Though the tables are in total energy/country and then divided in percentage of that total. So to compare one would need to get the absolute number for residential and divide by population to get residential/capita. And it is getting late in Sweden so I will not get the spreadsheet out now.

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by A swedish kind of death on Mon Apr 12th, 2010 at 04:43:12 PM EST
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