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of the West

I think the economic policies of the industrialized Western European economies (except Britain) after WWII are a much better model for how the the West should revive their economies. Deficit spend till full employment, for example. Have an incomes policy and understand that strong and nearly universal unions are an element of that. Lead, protect and encourage industry into high-employment and international quality production. There is no re-invention involved.

An important understanding is that whatever is done you will not get the growth rates of Europe recovering from WWII or the U.S. without much competition in the 40s and 50s, or of China over the last decade. Mature economies don't grow very fast, they're not where 'the market' wants to invest. So governments of mature economies have to force that investment.


by fairleft (fairleftatyahoodotcom) on Mon Jun 7th, 2010 at 06:44:28 AM EST
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Unions only really work in industrialised and centralised economies, where the same people work together, talk to each other, sometimes live near each other, and deal personally with the same management.

We need something like unions for the mobile, telecommuting, 'freelance', contractor temp economy that most workers live in now - including many who are supposedly middle class.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Mon Jun 7th, 2010 at 07:19:50 AM EST
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The "'freelance', contractor temp" 'economy' is actually a product in part of anti-union thinking. I don't think it's an attractive way of organizing the workforce, from either a productivity or 'worker welfare' perspective.

Union membership should be automatic, in the same way citizenship is.


by fairleft (fairleftatyahoodotcom) on Mon Jun 7th, 2010 at 10:45:46 AM EST
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