Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
There are 2 main questions that I think are still to be edged out:

The importance of economy. Some people are attracted to green approaches on an anti-economic viewpoint. Others have the exact opposite view. Again, the above debate on dams is a good example.

There is some tension between being local and cosmopolitan, two facets that one can easily find. You can easily see people that are friendly towards globalization (cosmopolitan ticket) while others go more for local approaches (robustness, etc).

They are not easy questions. I am not suggesting answers.

But the Apron diagram from Arne Naess is actually a good way to put things down: one can share the same principles and arrive and completely opposite solutions. It also stresses out that it is OK to share principles and have different paths.

But from a political perspective is becomes not much useful. Maybe that is OK, but it means that there is no single platform based on "green" principles.

by t-------------- on Tue Sep 14th, 2010 at 01:48:19 PM EST
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