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The only think he can do now is say he leaves it open to his supporters to vote their own preference.

Economics is politics by other means
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 at 04:49:56 AM EST
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Arnaud Montebourg : "Je voterai pour Hollande" - LeMonde.fr Arnaud Montebourg: "I will vote for Holland" - LeMonde.fr
J'ai un premier devoir : respecter la liberté de choix des Françaises et des Français qui m'ont fait confiance. J'ai voulu pleinement les éclairer par les échanges de lettres publiques que j'ai eus avec Martine Aubry et François Hollande. Les citoyens peuvent désormais faire leur choix en leur âme et conscience, et je me refuse à donner une consigne de vote. Car dans le mot consigne, il y a l'image de la caserne et de l'enfermement qui est incompatible avec l'esprit de la primaire et de la VIe République. Chacun se déterminera au vu des choix exprimés par les candidats.I have a first obligation: to respect freedom of choice of French men and women who trusted me. I wanted to fully inform them by the public exchange of letters I had with Martine Aubry and Francois Hollande. Citizens can now their choice to their conscience, and I refuse to give an instruction to vote. For in the word instruction, there is the image of the barracks and confinement that is inconsistent with the spirit of the primary and VI e Republic. Each will be determined on the basis of preferences expressed by the candidates.
Quel bulletin glisserez-vous dans l'urne dimanche ?What name will you slip into the ballot box on Sunday?
Pierre Mendès France disait : "Gouverner, c'est choisir." Même lorsque cela est difficile. Il me paraît de l'ordre des qualités demandées à un dirigeant politique de ne pas se dérober. C'est mon second devoir. Dans ce choix, il y a d'abord l'obligation de faire gagner la gauche en 2012. Les propositions des deux candidats étant pour moi équivalentes, je ne peux me déterminer en fonction de ma seule éthique de conviction. C'est pourquoi mon choix relèvera avant tout de l'éthique de responsabilité : je veux faire gagner la gauche et battre Nicolas Sarkozy. A titre exclusivement personnel, je voterai donc pour François Hollande, arrivé en tête du premier tour, à mes yeux meilleur rassembleur. Il a su dans sa lettre jeter un pont entre nos deux rives, et je lui en sais gré.Pierre Mendes-France said "To govern is to choose ." Even when this is difficult. It seems the order of the qualities required of a political leader not to cop out. This is my second duty . In this choice, there is first an obligation to make win left in 2012. The proposals of both candidates is equivalent to me, I can not determine according to my own ethical belief. That's why my choice is first and foremost the ethics of responsibility: I want to make the left win and beat Nicolas Sarkozy. On an exclusively personal basis, I will vote for Francis Holland, topped the first round, in my view best brings people together. In his letter he managed to build a bridge between our two sides, and I am grateful to him.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
by eurogreen on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 at 05:30:35 AM EST
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Will the 17% vote for Mélanchon, then?

Economics is politics by other means
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 at 05:56:52 AM EST
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Bear in mind that they are in large part extra-PS voters.

This opinion poll (pdf) breaks out the perception of the TV debate, by political orientation. PS supporters found Hollande more convincing (43%, against 38% for Aubry).
Green supporters found Aubry better (43% to 23%)
and "radical left" supporters even more so (46% to 15%)

The danger for Hollande, if he wins the nomination, is that many to the left of the PS might stay at home in the second round of the Presidential election.

Come to think of it, another big danger for Hollande is that Mélenchon and Joly draw enough votes in the first round, that he is eliminated by Le Pen.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 at 06:37:06 AM EST
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