Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
She is the primary winner for the Greens, running for President as a Green.

And yes, she did approach Bayrou to run MoDem before deciding she was a Green. That was only three year ago, and no, I  Bayrou is certainly not  wouldn't trust Bayrou on market and banking reforms either.

I said the Greens were heteroclit, you can state all the counterexamples you like but the fact is, the standard-bearer for the French Greens is economically speaking of doubtful ideological footing. I'm sorry, but I won't be surprised if she does poorly, the moment next Spring will be for clarity and forcefulness in the face of what will be a deepening crisis. IFOP's got her at 5% at this point, I suspect that is is ceiling on  her popularity, but we'll see.

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 at 08:58:46 AM EST
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