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Restoration efforts continue at damaged nuke plant  NHK World

Electricity supply has been restored at the control room of the No.1 reactor of the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, says lights in the control room were switched on again before noon on Thursday, 2 days after lights were turned on in the control room of the No.3 reactor. Work to restore outside power sources was suspended on Wednesday after dark smoke billowed from the No.3 reactor building.

Workers at the reactor continued efforts to launch a test run of a pump to supply fresh water using outside power sources. But the pump remains unusable as it's not known how much water is left in the reactor tank.

TEPCO, meanwhile, says three people working in a turbine building near the No.3 reactor were exposed to 173 to 180 millisieverts of radiation. Operations have been halted on the reactor's first floor and basement.

Pumps were inspected at the No.2 and 4 reactors.
Inspectors are said to be facing difficulty at the No.2 reactor due to high levels of radiation.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Thu Mar 24th, 2011 at 03:14:03 PM EST

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