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the same science which demonizes tobacco without funding any studies on the effect of burning the 500+ chemicals found in modern cigarettes.

You probably mean the 599 additives, because tobacco alone includes an extreme variety of harmful chemicals, and burning biomass (not just tobacco) produces a lot more. Read this report, which discusses insufficient (but non-zero) research on the effect of additives (p. 44-45). Several harmful chemicals found in the tobacco plant or its burn products, from the most carcinogenic hydrocarbons to the most poisonous heavy metals, are discussed on the previous pages. Later pages discuss other influencing factors, like cigarette paper and temperature and method of puffing. If anything, more research into the effect of cigarette additives when smoked will add to an already bad picture.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Sun Mar 20th, 2011 at 12:17:30 PM EST
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