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Regulators press on with Wall Street crackdown | Reuters

(Reuters) - A broad crackdown on Wall Street is churning forward, even as regulators assured a Senate panel on Thursday they would seek more input on how to pick which financial institutions need stricter policing.

Members of a new inter-agency council on U.S. economic stability said they would extend their public comment period on how to choose important banks, insurers and hedge funds for heightened surveillance and tougher capital rules.

The concession by the Financial Stability Oversight Council came as a House of Representatives panel was expected to vote on Friday for weakening the consumer protection provisions of 2010's Dodd-Frank law and slowing down implementation of its new rules for derivatives markets.

The measures in the Republican-controlled House were not expected to advance in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Thu May 12th, 2011 at 04:26:01 PM EST
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