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Eurointelligence Daily Briefing: German rebellion against second loan tranche for Greece
Bundestag votes in favour of Portugal package, but more and more MPs come out in opposition to a second loan package for Greece; Schäuble says Germany's support was a question of fate for Europe; Der Spiegel says Europe has become the fault line of centre-right politics in Germany; Bild Zeitung has another outrageous article about overpaid and lazy Greeks, and why the crisis will last forever; Antonio Borges and Jean Claude Juncker call for more Greek privatisations; Holger Steltzner bemoans that the ECB is becoming more French, and less German; the IMF warns that the crisis may yet spread to core Europe; El Pais wonders why the IMF still considers Spain to be among the Euro Area 4 peripheral countries; economists and investors overwhelmingly expect a Greek restructuring, according to a Reuters poll; Barclays Capital calculates that Greece needs a 67% haircut; True Finns stay out of government in protest over the decision to support a Portuguese aid package; there were more violent protests in Athens after the serious injury of a protester earlier this week; John Walters argues why Ireland is the victim in this crisis; Christine Lagarde is to revise the 2011 growth forecast upwards following a better than expected first quarter;there is much speculation, meanwhile, about the future of Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi after Mario Draghi's accession to the ECB presidency.
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Economics is politics by other means
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri May 13th, 2011 at 04:51:22 AM EST
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