Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Süddeutsche has info on the scale of the rebellion:

Koalition: Streit um EU-Finanzhilfen - Genörgel gegen Merkels Griechenland-Kurs - Politik - sueddeutsche.de Coalition: dispute over EU financial bailouts - Gripes against Merkel's Greece course - Politics - sueddeutsche.de
Nach Angaben aus den Fraktionen haben bisher 14 FDP- und fünf Unions-Parlamentarier erklärt, dass sie Merkels Pläne nicht mehr mittragen wollen. Darüber hinaus gebe es "Dutzende" weitere Koalitionsabgeordnete, die der gleichen Meinung seien.According to information from the factions, until now, 14 FDP and five CDU/CSU members of parliament declared that they no longer want to support Merkel's plans. In addition, there are further "dozens" of coalition members of parliament who shared their opinion.

After zu Googleberg's departure, CDU/CSU and FDP have 331 out of 621 seats, thus a loss of coalition majority needs 21 rebels, only two more than the 19 SZ has info about. However, the article notes with a source in the leadership that

...die meisten Abgeordneten würden am Ende zustimmen, wenn ihnen klar werde, dass sie sonst den Bestand der Koalition gefährdeten. Mehrere Abweichler räumten ein, dass ihr endgültiges Votum noch nicht feststehe. "Das entscheide ich dann, wenn die Abstimmung ansteht", sagte etwa Koppelin....most members of parliament would vote Yes in the end, once they realise that they otherwise endanger the survival of the coalition. Several dissenters acknowledged that their final vote has not been determined. "I decide when the vote is pending," said Koppelin for example.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Fri May 13th, 2011 at 05:27:49 AM EST
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