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Polizei beschlagnahmt Server der Piratenpartei Deutschland (Deutsch/English/Française) | Portal des Bundesvorstandes

At the moment, the Board does not expect delinquency on behalf of the Pirate Party. Investigation is not directed against the party or any of its subsidiaries, they are only involved as the server's operators. The results are expected with curiosity. According to our own standards, the Board will report on the incident in all transparency and detail as soon as it has affirmed information.

The Board does not have information that indicate the necessity to take all servers of the Pirate Party off-line. According to the information it has been provided with, only one single public service on a virtual server of the party was affected. The disconnection of all servers is a massive intrusion into the communications infrastructure of the sixth largest party in Germany. Considering the state elections taking place in Bremen in two days, this caused a severe political damage, which the Board condemns decisively.

It will be interesting to see hwo this affects the perfomrance of Piratenpartei in the elections. Anyone having access to polls on the Bremen elections?

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by A swedish kind of death on Fri May 20th, 2011 at 11:54:03 AM EST

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