Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Can we fashion that argument into an LTE to be sent to newspapers in surplus countries having a deficit within the group of surplus countries?

Economics is politics by other means
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Thu Jun 2nd, 2011 at 03:49:38 PM EST
[ Parent ]

  "Can we fashion that argument into an LTE to be sent to newspapers in surplus countries having a deficit within the group of surplus countries?"

    I like it.

   Please also see my query at:


"In such an environment it is not surprising that the ills of technology should seem curable only through the application of more technology..." John W Aldridge

by proximity1 on Thu Jun 2nd, 2011 at 04:21:22 PM EST
[ Parent ]
European Tribune - Submit New Story
I say yes, we can.

Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper Synapze.se
by A swedish kind of death on Fri Jun 3rd, 2011 at 12:58:46 PM EST
[ Parent ]
That linked wrong. New try:

European Tribune - LTE draft: the periphery protects the weaker parts of the core

I say yes, we can.

Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper Synapze.se
by A swedish kind of death on Fri Jun 3rd, 2011 at 01:30:50 PM EST
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