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Bild to Greece: Bleed, motherfuckers, bleed
,,Bild" is impressed with Greek reform efforts

Until now mass circulation daily Bild has distinguished itself by ridiculing or humiliating the Greeks in its reporting on the country's crisis. But yesterday's announcement of deep cuts in retirement benefits and the number of government officials seems to have impressed the editors of newspaper. "Fewer retirement benefits! Fewer officials! Now the Greeks really have to bleed" is Bild's headline against the backdrop of the Acropolis under the sunset's light.

Hooray! We have tightened the budgetary thumbscrews of the deficit sinners to the point where they really have to bleed!

Economics is politics by other means
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Thu Sep 22nd, 2011 at 03:51:16 AM EST
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