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High speed electro-diesel trainset on test

SPAIN: During a test run on the high speed line between Ourense and A Coruña on September 20, Development Minister José Blanco announced that RENFE would introduce Class 730 gauge-changing electro-diesel trainsets on services between Madrid and the northwestern region of Galicia in mid-2012.

The trainsets would enable Madrid - Galicia journey time to be cut to less than 5 h, using high speed infrastructure between Madrid and Olmedo, the non-electrified 1 668 mm gauge route from Olmedo to Ourense, and the Ourense - A Coruña high speed line which is due to open on December 10.

Also see comment on the train.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Sat Sep 24th, 2011 at 02:26:11 PM EST
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