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"In 2007, with second preference, Bayrou would have won in a landslide."

Actually, not necessarily. It depends on how it would be organised. So I should take that back.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. Gandhi

by Cyrille (cyrillev domain yahoo.fr) on Tue May 8th, 2012 at 09:01:17 AM EST
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Would Bayrou had been the Condorcet winner?

Condorcet method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Condorcet method is any election method that elects the candidate that would win by majority rule in all pairings against the other candidates, whenever one of the candidates has that property

While not the strict definition an approxiamtion is that the least disliked candidate wins. Wheter this is good depends (imho) on what you are electing.

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by A swedish kind of death on Tue May 8th, 2012 at 02:10:42 PM EST
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