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Législatives : le PS pourrait ne pas présenter un candidat face à Bayrou Legislative: the PS may not present a candidateagainst Bayrou
Plusieurs socialistes souhaitent que le PS ne présente pas de candidat aux législatives dans la circonscription des Pyrénées-Atlantiques de François Bayrou. Le président du MoDem n'avait pas donné de consigne de vote pour le second tour de la présidentielle, mais avait dit qu'il ferait personnellement le choix de François Hollande.Many Socialists want the PS to present no legislative candidate in the constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques held by Bayrou. The President of MoDem had not given instructions to vote for the second round of presidential, but had said that he would personally choose François Hollande.
Pierre Moscovici s'est déclaré "favorable" à un tel scénario, mardi 8 mai sur RTL, rappelant le choix "pas facile, courageux" du centriste entre les deux tours de la présidentielle. "Je pense que cela peut tout à fait se concevoir", a dit le responsable de la transition présidentielle dans l'équipe du président de la République.Pierre Moscovici said he was "favorable" to such a scenario, Tuesday, May 8th on RTL, recalling the "difficult, courageous" choice of the centrist between the two rounds of presidential elections. "I think it may well be conceivable" , said the head of the presidential transition team of President of the Republic.

The least they could do.

Meanwhile, at the OK corral,

Frédéric Nihous ne confirme pas être investi par l'UMP contre François Bayrou Frederic Nihous does not confirm to be invested by the UMP against Bayrou
"Rien n'est confirmé et rien n'est fait", assure Frédéric Nihous au Monde.fr, mercredi 9 mai, après que le site du Figaro a annoncé que le président de Chasse, pêche, nature et traditions (CPNT), allait être investi par l'UMP contre François Bayrou aux législatives dans la 2e circonscription des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. "Nothing is confirmed and nothing is done" , Frederic Nihous to ensure Monde.fr, Wednesday, May 9, after the site of Figaro announced that the President of Hunting, Fishing, Nature and Traditions ( CPNT), would be invested by the UMP against Francois Bayrou in the legislative elections in the second district of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques.
"Je suis en train de travailler avec l'UMP pour voir la place que ma formation de CPNT peut avoir lors du scrutin législatif et la 2e circonscription des Pyrénées-Atlantiques fait effectivement partie de cette réflexion puisque c'est l'endroit où je me suis déjà présenté en 2007. Mais je le répète : rien n'est décidé, ni officiel pour l"instant", affirme M. Nihous. Le siège de CPNT est à Pau. "I'm working with the UMP to see the place that my CPNT movement can have in the parliamentary election and the second district in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques is indeed part of this reflection because it is where I have already been candidate in 2007. But I repeat: nothing is decided, or official for "instant" , says Nihous. The headquarters of CPNT is in Pau .
Le président de Chasse, pêche, nature et traditions s'était déjà présenté face à M. Bayrou en 2007, recueillant 2,39 % des voix au premier tour. Le centriste avait été élu au second tour des législatives après avoir recueilli 37,25 % au premier tour face à un adversaire UMP.President of Hunting, fishing, nature and traditions had already presented against Mr. Bayrou in 2007, garnering 2.39% of votes in the first round. The centrist had been elected in the second round of legislative after having collected 37.25% in the first round against a UMP opponent.
M. Nihous avait annoncé le 22 février qu'il renonçait à se présenter à la présidentielle, ralliant Nicolas Sarkozy. Chasse, pêche, nature et traditions était entré dans le giron de la majorité présidentielle aux régionales de 2010.Mr. Nihous announced Feb. 22 that he renounced a run for the presidential election, rallying to Nicolas Sarkozy. Hunting, fishing, nature and traditions had entered the fold of the presidential majority in the 2010 regional.
Le secrétaire général de l'UMP, Jean-François Copé, a annoncé lundi que l'UMP allait investir un candidat face au président du MoDem, dans sa circonscription, François Bayrou ayant annoncé qu'il voterait pour M. Hollande à titre personnel au second tour de la présidentielle.The Secretary General of the UMP, Jean-Francois Cope said Monday that the UMP would invest a candidate facing the President of the Modem in his constituency, since Bayrou announced that he would vote for Mr. Holland personally in the second round of the presidential elections.

Two partridges with one cartridge for the UMP.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Wed May 9th, 2012 at 05:02:49 AM EST
Would the PS unseat Bayrou from his home turf in any case?

guaranteed to evoke a violent reaction from police is to challenge their right to "define the situation." --- David Graeber citing Marc Cooper
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed May 9th, 2012 at 05:05:38 AM EST
[ Parent ]
In 2007, Bayrou won his constituency against all comers, getting 37 % in the first round (PS 23%), and beat the PS candidate in the second round, 61 to 39.

So the answer to that question is no. The relevance is in the first round : the absence of a PS candidate might ensure that he's not knocked out by the UMP. But that's rather condescending; I don't think he's in any danger on his home turf.

All the more so if the UMP endorses Nihous. That's a way of throwing the election to Bayrou without doing so explicitly; to avoid insulting the future, as they say.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Wed May 9th, 2012 at 05:26:36 AM EST
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What are the odds of Bayrou coming third to the PS and a weakened UMP this time around? Really.

guaranteed to evoke a violent reaction from police is to challenge their right to "define the situation." --- David Graeber citing Marc Cooper
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed May 9th, 2012 at 05:32:41 AM EST
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Update : both UMP and PS now swear they are running official candidates against Bayrou.

But I reckon he'll win anyway (and will be very lonely in parliament).

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Thu May 10th, 2012 at 03:24:18 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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