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Danièle Hoffman-Rispal (PS) suppléante de Cécile Duflot (EELV) à Paris Danièle Hoffman-Rispal (PS) Alternate for Cécile Duflot (EELV) in Paris
Danièle Hoffman-Rispal, députée PS sortante à Paris, a accepté d'être la suppléante de Cécile Duflot, qui avait obtenu l'investiture du Parti socialiste dans le cadre de l'accord conclu en novembre entre EELV et le PS, dans la 6e circonscription de la capitale aux législatives, après des mois de tensions et le risque d'une candidature dissidente, a-t-on appris samedi 12 mai. Mmes Hoffman-Rispal et Duflot - dont le nom circule pour entrer au gouvernement, ce qui laisserait la voie libre à sa suppléante pour siéger à l'Assemblée - doivent tenir lundi une conférence de presse commune.Danièle Hoffman-Rispal, PS outgoing MP in Paris, has agreed to be the Alternate of Cécile Duflot, who had obtained the nomination of the Socialist Party as part of the agreement reached in November between the PS and EELV, in the 6 th district of the capital in the legislative elections, after months of tensions and the threat of a dissenting candidacy, it was announced on Saturday, May 12. Madames Hoffman-Rispal and Duflot - who is widely tipped to enter the government, leaving the way open for her alternate to sit in the Assembly - intend to hold a joint press conference on Monday.

Being a minister in the French government is incompatible with being a member of Parliament; nevertheless, typically, a majority of ministers are selected from Parliament (Assembly and Senate), and therefore resign their seats. In the French system, this does not lead to by-elections, because each district actually elects a two-person ticket : the MP has a suppléant (Alternate) who can replace them in case they die, go mad or join the government.

Cécile Duflot, who has been the high-profile Secretary of, successively, Les Verts and EELV over the last four years, is considered a dead cert for a portfolio in Hollande's government.  This enables her to resolve the problem posed by the revolt of the sitting MP in the district "gifted" to her by the PS (who had threatened to run against her, without the official backing of the PS).

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Mon May 14th, 2012 at 11:35:27 AM EST

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