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I think, using the proposed House of Lords electoral system, the electors right to change the order of the party list is likely to prove more theoretical than effective. However it is an improvement on the totally closed fixed order regional party lists, which are used for European Parliament elections in Great Britain.

There are better kinds of party list systems, which give more freedom to the elector and less control to the party, but none of them seem to be on offer.

The reason why we got a closed party list system for Europe, was that the Labour Party were paranoid about the risk that individual Labour candidates might try to compete with other Labour candidates. That was intolerable because the public might be more attracted to candidates with individual opinions than to candidates who could only repeat the pre-packaged party line.

by Gary J on Sat Jun 30th, 2012 at 08:04:46 AM EST
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The reason why we got a closed party list system for Europe, was that the Labour Party were paranoid about the risk that individual Labour candidates might try to compete with other Labour candidates. That was intolerable because the public might be more attracted to candidates with individual opinions than to candidates who could only repeat the pre-packaged party line.

How democratic!

by de Gondi (publiobestia aaaatttthotmaildaughtusual) on Sat Jun 30th, 2012 at 09:45:04 AM EST
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