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My feeling is, that like all GK beers, it's served too young

An intriguing parallel with France's national drink :

Typically, people drink their wines too young. It's sort of a fact of modern life. Because :

  1. The wines that will benefit from careful ageing are typically sold very young, several years before their best (this is mostly a cashflow problem for the producers who, in this day'n'age, don't want to tie up a substantial chunk of capital in their cellars by only releasing the wine when it's ready)
  2. most wine drinkers don't have a cellar where they can age their wines for several years, or can't be bothered. (There's also a cash-flow problem for the consumer, I know I run my cellar down when money is tight.)

On the other hand, probably the bulk of all wines have always been made for rapid consumption. These used to be rubbish, and acknowledged as such, sold cheap for the masses, and quite distinct from the noble wines destined for the upper strata of society. These days they are mostly pretty good, straightforward unsubtle wines, and the frontiers are blurred.

So when people go upmarket, they will typically buy an expensive wine and waste it by drinking it straight away. The alternative is to buy it at twice the price, in a vintage which is ready to drink, in a wine shop.

The most pernicious trend, to my mind, is winemakers who are working with a "noble" raw material that deserves to age, and deliberately make it in a ready-to-drink style.

Nothing to do with beer really, just a rant triggered by the age question. But we're talking years, not days.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Fri Jan 25th, 2013 at 04:29:24 AM EST
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