Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Arctic melt means more pirate chases, say Polish climate hosts | Environment | theguardian.com
"Our recent entry on north-west passage was widely discussed but unfortunately misunderstood. The readers considered the forthcoming, bitter, but unfortunately possible scenario as option we like. We do not. But how to react to the featured situation? Should we be silent? We are glad, that the topic caused so much interest and discussion, because the matter is really very serious."

And now:

COP19 BLOG - COP19 - CMP9, Conference of Parties and climate change conference

Dear Readers,

For the time being we decided to take some time away from our blog. Our idea was to focus attention on important issues that need good solutions and spark discussions on those.  We did not foresee that some readers would take thepresented texts literally as the official Polish position. Notwithstanding we would like to express regret as some of you found the text to be inappropriate. We acknowledge these criticisms. It was certainly not our aim to offend anybody.

We will take due care  that all new articles and posts on this website are written in a clear and sensitive manner so as to avoid misunderstandings. Stay tuned for more ideas.

They made a joke, it was not well received.

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by A swedish kind of death on Fri Oct 11th, 2013 at 04:20:11 AM EST
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