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Romania rejects all three pre-qualifying offers in privatization of CFR Marfa | Romania-Insider.com

"If CFR Marfa will not be privatized because of faults within the Ministry, I will leave the next day. I am doing my job, respecting deadlines and procedures. [...] Each of the bidders was missing something. We will make all needed diligence for the new procedure. My wish is to stay within the final deadline (June 20 )," said the Transport Minister Relu Fenechiu.

...Transport Minister Relu Fenechiu previously said that even after selling 51 percent in CFR Marfa, the country would still be able to prevent the sale of the company's assets as scrap metal, and the restrictions in the task book will prevent intermediaries from signing up in the privatization race. The procedure will have three stages, pre-qualification, negotiation based on preliminary offers and the bid with closed offers.

A winner was to be announced mid-June, and this privatization is among the pledges Romania has made to its main financier the IMF.

They still think this doesn't have to be a fire-sale.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Tue May 21st, 2013 at 09:25:51 AM EST
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