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Amazing! A French socalled Socialist President refusing overflight, or as it looks emergency landing to a fellow Socialist President.

South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane - live | World news | guardian.co.uk

Although the Guardian cannot 100% verify the audio, it comes from a source who has a track record of monitoring aviation communications. (In this 2011 article, Huub, also known online as "BlackBox" and @FMCNL, is described as a former member of the Dutch military who has been monitoring radio frequency scanners, amplifiers, and antennas for more than 25 years.)

Part of the conversation goes:

"Do you need any assistance?"

"Not at this moment. We need to land because we cannot get a correct indication of the fuel indication...we need to land."

by Fran on Wed Jul 3rd, 2013 at 04:15:52 AM EST
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