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What is Spain's beef with Morales?

South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane - live | World news | guardian.co.uk

It appears that Morales's path may not have been cleared after all. Austrian reporter Tanja Malle tweets that at another press conference, this time with Morales and ambassadors from the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (Alba), it was said that Spain is still not opening its airspace to his flight. 
by Fran on Wed Jul 3rd, 2013 at 04:25:45 AM EST
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South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane - live | World news | guardian.co.uk
Morales said he refused a request by the Spanish authorities' to inspect his plane in Vienna and has not been granted permission to use Spanish airspace, according to Reuters.

What has happend to diplomatic immunity?

by Fran on Wed Jul 3rd, 2013 at 04:31:29 AM EST
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Morales likes to attack Spain as an imperialist country. Plus, we have the PP in power. Plus, Morales has expropriated subsidiaries of Spanish companies in the energy, airports, and power grid sectors. Plus, the PP are US toadies.

The below incident from 6 years ago is illustrative of the state of relations between Spain and Latin America:

Finance is the brain [tumour] of the economy

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed Jul 3rd, 2013 at 05:01:46 AM EST
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