Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
My first instinct is that she should have resigned rather than accept the 7% cut to the already pitiful budget of the ministry of ecology. But on reflection, it takes more guts to speak out and get fired. That makes two ecology ministers Hollande has fired. Both of them women, as noted by DCB and Mélenchon; both socialists also. An EELV minister of ecology would not have been fired, they would have had to choose between resignation and acceptance. Pascal Canfin has evoked the possibility of EELV leaving the government, if it turns out that, after all, ecological transformation is not a priority of this government (as if there were any doubts left...). The next week or so will determine this :

"Il y a le budget, la fin du débat transition et la future loi sur la transition énergétique et, dès la semaine prochaine, l'annonce par le premier ministre d'investissements d'avenir pour la prochaine décennie.Et, il serait pour le coup incompréhensible qu'il n'y ait pas dans ces investissements d'avenir une dose importante d'écologie parce qu'on sait que c'est là que se joue en partie l'avenir de la France"

"There is the budget, the end of the transition debate, the future law on energy transition, and next week, the announcement by the Prime Minister of investments for the future for the next decade. And it would be incomprehensible if there is not, in the investments for the future, a large dose of ecology because we know that this is where a large part of France's future plays out."

The bottom line is that Hollande has reneged on his electoral alliance, but that's no surprise, they all do that. I think the (almost certain) absence of a serious ecological component in the investment program will be the clear signal that EELV must leave the government.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Wed Jul 3rd, 2013 at 04:37:43 AM EST
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