Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Spanish train crash driver wrote on Facebook about high speed - reports | World news | guardian.co.uk
"What a blast it would be to go parallel with the Guardia Civil [Spanish police] and go past them triggering the radar. Haha what a fine for Renfe [Spanish rail operator] haha," he allegedly wrote.

speed junkie?

'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Sun Jul 28th, 2013 at 07:24:05 AM EST
No, crap journalistic "research" on social media.

El País: Los compañeros del maquinista del tren de Santiago alaban su prudencia como conductor de trenes (26 Jul 2013)

"Le doy 50 euros por cada persona que me traiga que hable mal de él". La imagen de Francisco Garzón que se ha construido, la de un conductor irresponsable que presume en su Facebook de la velocidad que alcanza con su vehículo, no es la que tienen sus compañeros de trabajo ni sus vecinos. Más bien es la contraria. En lo personal y en lo profesional. El amigo que está dispuesto a dilapidar el salario de maquinista de Renfe a cambio de que le presenten enemigos del conductor del Alvia justifica hasta la ya famosa imagen volcada en su perfil social con el velocímetro a 200 km/h: "¿De qué se escandalizan? Es la velocidad a la que tiene que ir el tren".
Coworkers of the Santiago train driver praise his prudence as a train driver (26 July 2013)
"I give you 50 euros for each person you bring me who speaks ill of him". The constructed image of Francisco Garzón, that of an irresponsible driver who boasts on Facebook about the speed of his vehicle, is not that of his coworkers or neighbours. Rather the opposite. On personal and professional matters. The friend who's willing to give up his Renfe driver salary to meet alleged enemies of the Alvia driver even justifies the infamous image from his social profile with the speedometer at 200 km/h: "Where's the scandal? That's the speed the train is supposed to go at".

Finance is the brain [tumour] of the economy
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Sun Jul 28th, 2013 at 08:45:06 AM EST
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