Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Kerry and Lavrov have an excellent working relationship and are devoted to a political solution for the Syria crisis. Since the end of May, efforts of Kerry for diplomacy have been stymied from inside the White House. I suspect the NeoCon influence of National Security adviser Susan Rice as the culprit. Ms Rice has a close relationship with PBO and put sufficient doubt in his mind to take a tough stand on the Assad regime and threaten military action. Obama himself decided to step away from the brink of starting another prolonged war on a Muslim nation.

Kerry In Moscow - A Breath of Fresh Air   May 7, 2013
Obama ahead of G8 - Syria Crossed Red Line   June 15, 2013
John Kerry Again Rules Out Military Action in Syria   June 26, 2013
Rice and Kerry: War Inside the White House   Aug. 8, 2013
Barack Obama and an Act of War plus follow-up   Aug. 26, 2013

If John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov illustrate their determination ...
STEP 1 -  Resolve CW issue on Syria
STEP 2 -  Arms embargo and a political solution for Syria
STEP 3 -  Resolve nuclear issue of Iran with president Rouhani
STEP 4 -  Finalize a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine

Obama made a courageous decision stepping away from 35 years of biased US policy on the Middle East. Angry Arab states Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar plus Turkey and Israel. Praise from Russia, Iran and Iraq (Maliki).

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 05:48:44 AM EST
Came across this oldie ...
Samantha Power, the Monster, and the Libyan Intervention  by Frank Schnittger - Sept. 8, 2011

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 03:28:15 PM EST
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