Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The piece by Marcy Wheeler could have been written by McCain/Graham based on mistrust of the political effort and agreement put in place by the CWC teams of John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov. Both President Putin and Obama have committed themselves to the deal. The inspection regime and the destruction of the CW arms and facilities will be performed by the OPCW. I suggest everyone take note of the press conference, it provides clarity. As the Russian newspapers wrote headlines: Chemistry between Kerry and Lavrov. But the good understanding has been there all along. Diplomacy is on the front burner in the White House.

As I have written, a political solution on Syria will be put on the table and agreed upon by Russia and the US within a 90 day period. A backchannel is opened with President Rouhani of Iran for talks on the nuclear issue with the US. The "humanitarian hawks" in the Obama administration have taken a back-seat to diplomacy and the effort of Secretary Kerry.

Marcy Wheeler doesn't get it.

The World after the Kerry-Lavrov accord on Syria by Juan Cole
Kerry after briefing PM on Syria accord: Diplomacy preferred solution, but 'no option off the table' Jerusalem visit

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Sep 15th, 2013 at 12:16:42 PM EST

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