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I think it depends a bit on the details of how the additional currency is implemented. The government pays its employees with new currency, and the currency starts to circulate. This means also a large part of the tax income will be in the new currency. Depending on how this goes, it could be that it becomes impossible to service the debt.
by rz on Thu Dec 4th, 2014 at 03:22:30 AM EST
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Yes, It is always dependant on the implementation. Considering the political reality right now, It seems like the best option there is, is tax credit program. All these political parties in Italy and even in spain and France are so fragmented. there are people in  those movements with their own agenda.So you can get members there whos views completely differ regarding euro and EU.Also there are a lot of opportunists riding this wave.  It seems the problem in Europe is that there is not strong left against this neoliberal utopia. The left we have are intellectuals who live in nice houses and they don't really feel the pain austerity or euro for that matter has caused. My view right now is that no matter how many eurosceptics get into any of the governments, the ultimatums will not be given and this nightmare could go on for years. That is why I consider alternative currency to be the best option. It should fly politically too bacause the idea is so simple really: we don't have to have euros to spend and we can give the economy a tax break. Tax credits (quuasi monet) is just a tool though, It depends on what you do with It. Full employment can be quickly achieved, also It is way easier to leave euro once you have implemented tax credits that trade agains euros and are liquid financial assets that government can issue at will. Political situation might change of course but right now I don't see most of the eurosceptics being much more than opportunists regarding euro, national sovereignity etc. Or if some are, those are the kind of radicals that I wish were in no government in Europe.
by Kristjan on Thu Dec 4th, 2014 at 04:25:38 AM EST
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