Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In Sweden, I would say that the corelation between professing religious beliefs and status is mostly negative. Of course there are exceptions, but in the main taking religion seriously is at best a bit goofy. Having a high position within church of Sweden hierarchy is of course high status, but then the ones that make it to the top are the ones who make sure to leave God out of their public appearances, or at least make it a rather vague divinity. I think the last arch bishop is on record that the god he beliefs in is not external, making it an aspect of the human condition instead of a heavenly father.

Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper Synapze.se
by A swedish kind of death on Tue Feb 4th, 2014 at 01:14:21 PM EST
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