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das monde:
The freedom to practice discriminatory religious beliefs is gradually having more traction, alas

Is there such a thing as a "freedom to practice discriminatory beliefs"? I am not sure that discrimination by religious people is increasing or not (but it is there, of course). So is discrimination by non-religious people, and actually I don't see that it makes much sense to fight the practice of religion instead of fighting discrimination.

The Kabul photos are a nice reminder of how the Cold War was fought. Although, to be fair, the many freedoms for Afghan women of the time of the Soviet backed era only existed in Kabul, never in the countryside.

Your point seems to be that religion has to lead to discrimination and oppression. It can be used for that. It can be used for opposition against oppression, too. Bans on religious practice on the other hand can only be discriminatory and oppressive, especially since the ban hits the religion of a despised and vulnerable minority, and there mainly the women.

by Katrin on Sun Feb 2nd, 2014 at 04:42:05 PM EST
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