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As for the problem that, according to you, only exists in my fantasy... This puts you in the position of denying the existence of the fundamentalist worldview. That, based on my experience, is astoundingly naïve. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
As for the problem that, according to you, only exists in my fantasy... This puts you in the position of denying the existence of the fundamentalist worldview.
Er no. The fundamentalist worldview doubtless exists. So do spiders. I don't deny that. But, a problem? It takes decades of dumbing down enough people before you get a critical mass of fundamentalists, and France isn't exactly the Bible Belt.
And what has the headscarf to do with fundamentalism? And how can a ban, the loss of freedom, be a measure against fundamentalism? And can you please make clear if you are against religion in the public, or if you want to influence ("moderate") religions? The fog thickens the more you write. The only thing where you are consistent and clear is ban ban ban.
If you want a right of the state to influence religion, you are against a separation of state and church. Say what you want.
It takes decades of dumbing down enough people before you get a critical mass of fundamentalists
You don't need a critical mass. Any religious distortion by fundamentalists of whatever stripe is already too much.
If you want a right of the state to influence religion, you are against a separation of state and church.
Please stop spouting obvious nonsense. By that 'logic', if I don't want prayer in schools I'm arguing against the separation of church and state because I'm in conflict with religious people who do want prayer in schools.
Which is clearly rubbish.
If you want a right of the state to influence religion, you are against a separation of state and church.Please stop spouting obvious nonsense.
This would save a lot of energy for all Tribbers involved - although this would also slow down the earth's rotation, so there's that.
You don't need a critical mass. Any religious distortion by fundamentalists of whatever stripe is already too much
I must say you are a pretty fundamentalist sort of atheist.
By that 'logic', if I don't want prayer in schools I'm arguing against the separation of church and state because I'm in conflict with religious people who do want prayer in schools.
You must decide if you want a separation of state and church, which leaves the religious groups free to be as fundamental as they please. Or you can have an interlocking, which is mutual. Then the state can influence and "moderate" religion. It is more or less how religion is regulated in Germany. A church is something that is founded by Paul or by Luther, everything else is a sect and not quite. There is the Islamkonferenz of ministry on one side and Muslim organisations on the other, trying to adapt the concept to Islam.
What Eurogreen wants is no influence of the church on the state, but influence the other way round. It won't work. What you want is unclear.
What Eurogreen wants is no influence of the church on the state, but influence the other way round.
... words in my mouth?
Where have I said I want the state to have influence over religions?
On the contrary. If religious organisations were to have exactly the same status as any other non-profit group, as I advocate, then there is no mechanism by which the state can have influence over religions in particular. Everyone is subject to the same laws. If any religious group wishes to situate itself above the law, and the state represses that, it's not repression of religion. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
Sorry. What then do you mean when you say you don't want fundamentalist Islam, but one that is compatible with the French secular state? For me that is a demand of the state on religion. And with the illusion that it works one way only.
However, I don't wish for the state to somehow intervene to "reform Islam", or interfere with its practices, insofar as they stay within the law. That would be unwarranted interference. I would prefer fundamentalist Islam to wither away, within France at least.
As I wrote in an earlier post, I believe some state intervention would be justified to level the playing field. I believe that the established churches (mainly Catholic, in France) benefit from an unwarranted subsidy, and I would be in favour of redistribution which would facilitate the provision of places of worship for Moslems (this seems to be so uncontroversial that it has warranted no comments so far!) It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
fundamentalist Islam is incapable of recognising any authority higher than Islam itself, and therefore rejects the authority of any secular state.
Say "deeply held beliefs" instead of "Islam". So do I. So did Rosa Parks. Or countless conscientous objectors. And you? Is there nothing you believe in and are prepared to break the law of the secular state for?
What I want is distinct from what I expect the State to do on my behalf.
Intriguing. How do you expect your wish to come true? Ah, I have got it: probably you pray for divine intervention. ;)
I can agree with that, provided the law is fair (which bans on women's clothes are not), and provided you don't single out Islam with your focus on fundamentalism.
Sure. We could make lists, and I bet we would agree on most of the points.
But I don't reject the authority of the state which governs the territory in which I live. If I did, I would be a revolutionary, an anarchist, or a libertarian.
People have a right to be those things, and they have a right to agitate for the overthrow of the state, but when their activities fall outside the law, they are repressed by the state. I consider this legitimate, to the degree that I consider any given state to be legitimate. I am not a revolutionary in the context of France. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
And that's what you want to ban women's clothes for. I repeat: women's clothes, not acts of overthrowing the state. Really, what next?
But at least you no longer pretend your ban was about liberating women.
So you assume the veil had a nexus with "rejecting the authority of the state"
A statement such as "The school has no right to determine what my daughter should or should not wear. My religion is the only authority on that question" is typical of arguments of parents with respect to the issue.
This is consistent with a fundamentalist Islamic world view, which we both acknowledge exists in France. It is therefore empirically likely that rejection of state authority is among the motives of parents (though sophisticated parents will avoid advocating such a thing publicly). It is, in any case, logically impossible for you to prove the contrary.
If you still want to liberate women by banning their clothes, why not ban pleated skirts? You could liberate many more women with that.
The statement is entirely consistent with insistence on religious freedom, too. The school--which is compulsory--has no right to determine that children must violate rules of their religion.
The school has no opinion on the religion of its students. It does not recognise, acklowledge or make concessions to anyone's religion, and is therefore incapable of determining that children must violate rules of their religion. That is religious neutrality.
The statement is certainly consistent with religious freedom, but goes far beyond it into religious privilege, by its insistence on the idea that in any conflict between the rules of the school and the rules of religion, religion must prevail. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
So you assume the veil had a nexus with "rejecting the authority of the state", but of course you have no evidence that in reality this plays a role in a relevant degree.
Eurogreen lives in France and has expressed his support (and even a relative climbdown) for the French pursuit of the secular state.
So arguing from the French point of view, the headscarf will automatically have a nexus with rejecting French authority in their public schools - as long as the community that wishes to wear the headscarf openly connects it to an expression of religion.
I feel that the argumentation on this thread, which is getting to the point of going in circles, suffers from making proper distinctions about considered frameworks. Katrin can rail against ban on headscarves, but for France this ultimately entails a rejection of the French Jacobin groundwork and the secular state. She could question or reject that as well, on grounds of her interpretation of human rights, but tough, that's not for her to change as long as people interpret differently - and people in France (and ET) clearly do. Shouting 'you're wrong about it!' won't help. You get Gallic shrugs in return, and the French are exceptionally skilled at that.
Although I don't know about more ECHR court cases specifically on headscarves in French schools. Which one do you mean? There was this of course, which was a clear victory for France. And this one is still running, but that is related to the burqa ban, not headscarves at public schools.
for France this ultimately entails a rejection of the French Jacobin groundwork and the secular state.
Of course. Ultimately Katrin wants a rejection of the secular state. Hence the exotic hair-on-fire insinuations about 'atheist privilege', and the framing of any disagreement as a personal attack.
This is what theists do. They don't want any higher authority than the one they claim for themselves. Secular authority is 'totalitarian' and 'oppressive' by definition.
This is SOP, and shouldn't surprise anyone with experience of theocratic politics.
What we can say for certain is that Katrin argues a position which is inconsistent with the maintenance of the secular state. Whether this is due to accident, sinister designs on the secular state and rule of law (yes, the two go inextricably together), or merely irrelevant collateral damage in pursuit of a different objective considered more important is neither something which can be divined from the position argued nor particularly pertinent to the discussion.
- Jake Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.
What we can say for certain is that Katrin argues a position which is inconsistent with the maintenance of the secular state.
And that's why I said 'theocracy.' Because for all practical purposes, that's what theocracy is - a move to dismantle the secular state and its aspirations[1] to a level ground for all participants, and replace it with ethical and judicial systems that privilege religious traditions over secular ones.
Let's have the Wikipedia definition:
Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is officially recognized as the civil Ruler and official policy is governed by officials regarded as divinely guided, or is pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religion or religious group.
Arguing that policy should allow a religious group to have privileges which aren't available to other participants meets that definition, don't you think?
And considering we've been insulted as 'atheist fundamentalist sectarians' and 'Stalinists', and it's been insinuated that no one in this discussion has any real interest in progress or basic human rights - purely because we don't immediately accept an argument that pretends to be about human rights, but is clearly really just an argument for theological privilege based on a very selective view of what human rights actually mean in practical politics - I think the comments have been more restrained than they might have been.
Which definition of theocracy did you think I was using?
[1] Well - former aspirations, anyway.
There are many perfectly habitable half-way houses between "not secular" and "theocratic." The US is not secular. Saudi Arabia is a theocracy.
I think the comments have been more restrained than they might have been.
Words have meanings, and turning words like "theocrat" or "fascist" into common terms of abuse is Unhelpful.
eurogreen:What I want is distinct from what I expect the State to do on my behalf. Intriguing. How do you expect your wish to come true? Ah, I have got it: probably you pray for divine intervention. ;)
Let me give you an example. I want women to find me handsome and sexy. I don't expect the State to provide this for me. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
I'll let Voltaire, Diderot and the writers of the US constitution know they were fundamentalists too. I'm sure they'll be as amused as I am.
Your attempts at framing and rhetoric are getting very obvious.
which leaves the religious groups free to be as fundamental as they please.
Providing their actions aren't criminal, and they don't try to influence the state for their own exclusive benefit. That's where their freedoms end.
I hope I don't need to add that this principle shouldn't apply exclusively to religious influence, but to any behind-the-scenes influence on policy by vested interests for their own exclusive benefit.
The 'exclusive benefit' point is the crucial one.
So I'm a fundamentalist for supporting separation of church and state?
I didn't say so.
The fog thickens the more you write.
I'm genuinely sorry about that. For me, on the contrary, the more you make your world view explicit, the better I understand our differences.
For example, your post above contains a revelation for me :
I wasn't saying that children should be free to wear what they like in school. I was (and am) saying that it is none of the school's business. It was my parents who banned the jeans
Funny how we internalize the restrictions on freedom we most suffered from (Stockholm syndrome, or something). I suffered (mildly) from the dress code imposed by my school; my parents would have been more liberal (probably). However I recognise the legitimacy of the school in having a dress code. You suffered from restrictions imposed by your parents; you (I'm guessing : please don't be offended if I get it wrong) are happy for this model to be perpetuated by other parents.
More importantly, though, we have identified a philosophical difference with respect to the role of schools.
For me, school is free of charge, compulsory, and has a standard program determined by the state. What's more, there is a compulsory delegation of parental authority to the school; parents don't get to determine the content or the methods of teaching, or the standards of behaviour to which students will be held, or what may or may not be worn.
I'm interested in your view : is it only the last point, the dress code, that we disagree on? Or is the compulsory delegation of parental authority a problem for you? It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
Have you grown up with school uniforms? Horrible totalitarianism.
Although I haven't, I have felt similarly - until I moved to South Africa and experienced at first hand how school uniforms are a godsend for children and families with poor backgrounds.
Perspective matters.
My question was a genuine question, not a challenge, by the way. I have no experience with school uniforms. Pupils don't meet each other only when in the classroom. Don't they get a pretty clear idea of the relative wealth or poverty of the children around them?
Strong views on something you have no experience with...
This is not a rhetorical question: The Jacobin opposition to religious garb in schools is, I think, very much a dislike of seeing private groups maintain a uniformed presence in institutions that the state considers its turf.
But for the purpose of the present discussion, this is a distinction without difference - the religious prescription in question goes quite a bit beyond "keep hair covered" and well into the territory of specifying the nature and appearance of the garment used to cover it.
(It should go without saying that the Jacobin view on private uniforms in public institutions is hypocritical as long as business suits are tolerated attire in parliament. There can be no real doubt that the business suit is a uniform of a private group actively hostile to the state.)
Incidentally, I find it completely bizarre that you're against school uniforms, but for religious uniforms.
It does however provide a general sense that the individual schoolchild is one of a group of similar people of equal value.
Depending on the school, it can mean equally valued or equally devalued. Still - at least there's some notion of equality there.
The opposite is true for religious wear, which has the clear implication that the wearer is somehow either superior or inferior to those who chose to wear ordinary clothes, depending who you ask.
Just like any other uniform, including the ubiquitous business suit.
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