Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Ah. I wasn't saying that children should be free to wear what they like in school. I was (and am) saying that it is none of the school's business. It was my parents who banned the jeans, not the state or the school. Have you grown up with school uniforms? Horrible totalitarianism. Authoritarian rightwingers try to introduce that here, but it is new and not very successful.


As for the problem that, according to you, only exists in my fantasy... This puts you in the position of denying the existence of the fundamentalist worldview.

Er no. The fundamentalist worldview doubtless exists. So do spiders. I don't deny that. But, a problem? It takes decades of dumbing down enough people before you get a critical mass of fundamentalists, and France isn't exactly the Bible Belt.

And what has the headscarf to do with fundamentalism? And how can a ban, the loss of freedom, be a measure against fundamentalism? And can you please make clear if you are against religion in the public, or if you want to influence ("moderate") religions? The fog thickens the more you write. The only thing where you are consistent and clear is ban ban ban.

If you want a right of the state to influence religion, you are against a separation of state and church. Say what you want.

by Katrin on Wed Feb 5th, 2014 at 10:30:42 AM EST
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