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OK, I forgot that one. But here are two quotes from Jerome in that thread that explain his meaning:

Jerome a Paris:

The fact is that more Americans (as a percentage of the relevant population) say they are Christians first and Americans second than French people say they are Muslim first, and French second.

So when "Christians" is the widely accepted word to describe white Americans, I'll stop complaining about the word "Muslim" being used to describe France's Arab and African communities.

Jerome a Paris:

the relevant question is "are Arabs integrating in France," not "are Muslims integrating in France.

Racism and other integration obstacles are linked to their being Arab, not to their being Muslim. The label "Muslim" is one that's only been used since 9/11 and is part of the vocabulary of the War on Terra.

Thus, we should not help promote that narrative.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Wed Feb 5th, 2014 at 12:39:10 PM EST
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