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this is illogical, surely you see that?

Absolutely not. Why is it illogical?


anyone who does believe in equality would (in fear of offending your sensitive self) acknowledge that all groups of opinion-holders have equal valence in a democracy.

But they would still ask questions like "Should people be forced to listen to religious organisations?", not "Should people be forced to listen to anyone?" or so.


i think your points would be made better if you take what others have to say on board more rather than seeing them as folks to be out-argued in some points-winning kind of way.

That's not my intention. I am trying to get answers that one can move on from. I get repetitions of replies that not answers for the point I made. It is quite possible that my posts are not clear enough and too easily misunderstood. It is quite possible that my interlocutors' posts are unclear. Or both.

by Katrin on Fri Feb 7th, 2014 at 10:14:16 AM EST
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