Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Firstly, religion is never about learning 'things' (i.e. facts) in the same way that other education should be

Yes, it is. (And I know that this is not arguing, only arguing as you do.) And things are more than facts, they are values too. You are making my pointrather strongly that a sense for freedom of religion does not exist on ET. Surely raising one's children in a religion is an important part of the freedom to practise religion. What do you expect of me, that I tell my children lies, that is things that I don't believe in? Or do you want to introduce laws against the religious freedom of parents? Do elaborate, this is becoming interesting.


it's primarily about  accepting the concept of revealed authority as politically, personally, and socially valid, and about an externally imposed (and - in fact - completely arbitrary) definition of identity and affiliation.

This is obviously your experience, but can you tell me why your experience should be more relevant for me than my own? What has your "revealed authority" stuff to do with anything I said?


You have a very selective interpretation of personal freedom and self-determination if you claim that under-age individuals are only allowed social self-determination when it runs with the grain of their indoctrination, not when it runs against it.

You must be aware how offensive your constant attempts to put things into my mouth are. Why are you doing it?

by Katrin on Mon Feb 10th, 2014 at 06:24:36 AM EST
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