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Beliefs are a private matter; that is the beginning and end of it for me.

[Katrin] But not for me. But, since you claim atheist privilege, that won't interest you.

So, "atheist privilege" is the right not to be interested in other people's beliefs? Is that it? And this is what I am alleged to claim for myself?

It doesn't sound right to me, because this attitude is by no means confined to atheists. To put it mildly.

And concerning me personally, I am always intensely interested in other people's beliefs. (but that is not the same thing as respecting them, or accomodating them.)

However, I do claim the right not to have my liberties restricted by other people's beliefs. And because I care a lot about other people's liberties, I don't like to see them restricted by other people's beliefs, either.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Mon Feb 3rd, 2014 at 10:18:22 AM EST
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