Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Do you really not understand the fundamental contradiction between being a flag-bearer for 'human rights', and denying kids catch-free no-pressure freedom of religious choice - not 'make them agree with me now and hope they follow later', but genuinely free?

'Genuinely free' means teaching what you believe, while teaching what I believe is 'forcing' them. I understand. You are projecting all sorts of nonsense on me. Disgusting.


It's quite another to imply to kids that your (and their) morals are ultimately favoured by religion and/or god.

More nonsense that has nothing whatsoever to do with anything I have ever said. You are making up your stuff freely. Do you feel very much better when you are throwing with dirt?


I'm not. You keep claiming that I - and everyone - is putting words into your mouth, but at least 90% of the time we're simply repeating your own words back to you.

Oh no, not everyone. Don't hide. Tell me why you are projecting your shit on me.

by Katrin on Mon Feb 10th, 2014 at 09:46:22 AM EST
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