Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
And how do you get the idea I would threaten my children with eternal damnation? Are you now saying that your children rejected your political and social philosophies when in pre-school age?

My children ask me questions, and they have started that when very young. What happens when we are dead, where do we come from, how came beauty into existence? What children want to know. Am I to tell them what I believe in or must I tell them what I hold to be false? In other words, must I lie? By the way, I wouldn't find it fair if I told them "I know" when in reality "I believe", for the same reason: I don't lie. With what right do you want to make me either lie or else refuse an answer? Because how else can I refrain from what you call indoctrination?

by Katrin on Mon Feb 10th, 2014 at 10:56:13 AM EST
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