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No. I'm quite sure I didn't say that, or imply it in any way

Well, it is there, for everybody to see.


I don't expect you to tell your children anything.

So speaking with my children about my belief is illegitimate in your view. I can't believe that you have the same standard for non-religious parents. There, I expect, you have no objections if the parents explain the world.


What I did say is that kids should be allowed to make up their own minds about the beliefs of their parents - because, you know, that's what freedom of belief is

No, what you did say is that I wasn't expected to even tell my children anything about my beliefs. If you had your way they would not even KNOW them. How can they make up their minds about what they don't know, eh?

by Katrin on Mon Feb 10th, 2014 at 04:21:50 PM EST
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