Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I always compare this to party allegiance. There is a correlation between people's party allegiance and that of their parents, too, but no one speaks about 12-year-old, 6-year-old or even newborn Social Democrats or Tories, the way people routinely talk about such Christians or Muslims.

I am still waiting that someone compares it to the teachings of atheists, Dodo. We have discussed religionists who in their majority indoctrinate their children (but you know some exceptions who do not), Muslims who oppress girls (even though perhaps some do not), and there is always the unspoken reverse: non-religious do not indoctrinate their children, non-Muslims are model feminists. And the utmost level of rightousness, that is ET. And now I am throwing with spanners. I was aware that it wouldn't go unpunished to disturb processes of externalisation, but I didn't expect it would hurt so much.

by Katrin on Wed Feb 12th, 2014 at 08:58:14 AM EST
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