Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
People's religious outlook is most certainly not a dichotomy, there are literally millions of different views on the existence of gods.

And my point was religious freedom, and that no religious or a-religious view is to be privileged. Surely, with notions around that religion has no place in the public sphere, there is a dichotomy of a public sphere without any reference to religion and one that includes the freedom to public references to religion, whichever religion that may be. I see signs of a reversal of the religious coercion (with all the consequences of "guilt" and so) that you describe, instead of a disappearance of coercion which I wish for.


And, again, if you didn't have experience with such religious instruction, you were the lucky exemption.

I have no idea whose experience is more representative of a majority, yours or mine. Is it important? Though probably I shouldn't complain: for the first time in this thread someone acknowledges that my experience exists, and does not tell me that religion automatically is something coercive and oppressive.

by Katrin on Fri Feb 21st, 2014 at 06:07:46 AM EST
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