Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
No, the liberty at risk is that of atheists not having to waste time debating clothing choices with people who think being religious means that their clothing choices are Somehow Very Very Important.

Which is so obviously special pleading and a claim on privilege it's not even funny.

You realise that in reality no one gets a free pass with clothing? If I think it's too hot to wear clothes in public - which does happen, even in England, albeit only about twice a decade - I don't get to decide that I can go shopping in the nude.

Nor do naturists, some of whom have spiritual justifications for not wearing clothes (and apparently a much greater tolerance for cold than I have.)

But this does not concern you. You are exclusively concerned by the 'right' of the religious to:

  1. Persuade themselves that their clothing choices are infinitely more important than anyone else's, because religion.

  2. To indoctrinate their children in the same wacky beliefs, no matter what damage it does them. (And as I've said before, I'm speaking from experience - but this doesn't interest you, because someone who disagrees with you cannot possibly be correct, even though they were once one of those children you so bravely argue should be 'saved' from the evils of secularisation through your pretended interest in personal freedom.)

  3. Never expose their children to competing beliefs, ditto.

  4. To waste everyone else's time on this nonsense when there are more important topics to worry about. Like human extinction.

A hundred years from now most of the ecosystem will be trashed. But at least a few women will still be able to wear a burqa.

Is that really what you want?

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Mon Feb 3rd, 2014 at 12:14:04 PM EST
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This sounds as if you think a burqa ban rescues the ecosystem. What has the list in your post to do with me? Why are you saying I was "exclusively concerned by the 'right' of the religious to:"?
by Katrin on Mon Feb 3rd, 2014 at 06:33:37 PM EST
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