Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Yes, I do think GUE/NGL is doing a good job of being opposition.

The M5S, on the other hand, by allying itself with Farage (which you deplore) has succeeded in putting itself beyond the pale: the EPP, PSE and ALDE allied themselves to deny Farage's group (and the M5S) any institutional roles (committee chairs or vice-chairs, for instance). While some in the Green and Left groups have criticised this as a violation of democratic principles given the size of the Farage group, there appears to be a sort of cordon sanitaire in place. So, good luck with effective opposition from there. Even the eurosceptic AfD is doing better (though Bernd Lucke was excluded from the bureau of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee), because they're in Cameron's group.

People following this conversation may not be aware there's a small political group in Italy called "L'Altra Europa con Tsipras" which got three MEPs (most prominently, Barbara Spinelli). Of course, having a foreign namesake doesn't help anyone get traction in national politics.

Regarding Tsipras and Grillo: Alexis Tsipras a In Mezz'Ora: "Beppe Grillo non capisce: la rabbia da sola non basta" (Huffington Post Italy, 6 April 2014)

"Anni fa abbiamo guardato al fenomeno Grillo con simpatia perché era figlio della rabbia dei cittadini italiani, ma la rabbia da sola non basta. Grillo fa finta di non capire l'importanza della realtà europea". Intervistato da Lucia Annunziata a In Mezz'Ora, Alexis Tsipras, candidato per la sinistra europea a presidente della Commissione Ue, non fa sconti a nessun politico italiano, a cominciare dal leader del Movimento Cinque Stelle.

Secondo Tsipras, i nemici da sconfiggere alle prossime elezioni europee sono più d'uno: da un lato c'è il populismo, colpevole di voler "disgregare l'Ue"; dall'altro ci sono le politiche di austerity che hanno fatto solo male al progetto europeo. "Per noi - ha aggiunto Tsipras - l'Europa è il terreno di una lotta di classe".

A society committed to the notion that government is always bad will have bad government. And it doesn't have to be that way. — Paul Krugman
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Sat Jul 19th, 2014 at 04:33:35 PM EST
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