Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In the early 1990s when the World Wide Web was just getting started, there was  a period of time where the utilities had more fiber installed in the US than the telecom companies. There was open speculation about the integration of telecom and energy then, with only a glimmer of "smart meters" on the horizon.

Today, some energy utilities are looking at the grid as a two-way street as people install solar on their roofs and, within a few years, have local storage in the form of electric vehicles or grid connected batteries.  Energy demand becomes information on a second by second market and utilities are beginning to think of themselves as a platform and a service rather than a commodity.  Just like telecom.

Solar IS Civil Defense

by gmoke on Sat Mar 7th, 2015 at 08:35:46 PM EST
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