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Why doesn't Thomas Friedman every get taxi drivers like this?
We usually don't take a car," the yeshiva boy says to the driver, an older Irish man with a hearty laugh and a dapper straw hat. "But the lady was inappropriately attired (he winks at his date), in her heels I mean, so we had to -- "

The yeshiva boy's date cuts him off and leans forward to the driver, deciding to turn her frustrations into a joke: "Sir, he doesn't really care about the heels. It's my actual choice of attire that he finds inappropriate. My skirts are too short, it makes him nervous, he won't even call me by my name, you know how religious boys are..."

The driver turns the corner. "That's the problem with religion, it's sexist," he says, looking at her in his mirror. "I know because my parents were religious Catholics. It's all a bunch of sexist garbage."

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Wed Sep 2nd, 2015 at 04:47:37 AM EST

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