Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Actually, a 0.75% return when the inflation is down to zero or even negative, is better than 3% return when the inflation was 2.5% (simple arithmetic), but it does look too low for most people anyway...

Not everyone in the EU far right is calling for more austerity: in France, the Front National is actually calling for an end to austerity, increase of minimum wage, along with, of course, protectionism, "buy French", kick the foreigners out of the country (the dark ones, at least), re-establishing the franc and getting out of the EU itself.

It explains part of their success over a large part of the younger, unemployed or underemployed people (also: remember redstar?). Or course, that's what they say now, before getting to power. Both Le Pen père and daughter are billionaires, thanks in part to dubious inheritances and it's difficult to see them getting any seriously after the 1%.

Remember that Hollande was promising left wing policies when running for president 5 years ago. Caveat emptor...

by Bernard (bernard) on Tue Apr 26th, 2016 at 04:19:38 PM EST
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