Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Since leaving the UN General Assembly audibly gasping at the audacity of his "rocket man" declaration, Mr Trump has withdrawn US membership in UNESCO and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the "Iran Deal". Concerted effort to resist or obey orders of the hegemon have yet to materialize.

whip it good
Mogherini lashes out [?] at Trump, says EU is the `only credible' global power

"It is a deal that prevented a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, next to us. That brought security in the region and to young people in the country. That was the European way and it was thanks to us because we were the mediator," she said.

Why Trump Has Gone Nuclear on Iran
straight out of season 6 of 'Homeland'
US allies will also be "encouraged" to reach what for all practical purposes is a non-denial denial renegotiation. This can be easily interpreted as unilateral extorsion. It's not gonna happen - as the EU, Russia and China have made abundantly clear. Washington then will be de facto pulling out of the JCPOA. Or, in Trump's words, following the advice of the spectacular incompetent rabid neocon US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, the deal "will be terminated".

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Oct 19th, 2017 at 08:29:50 PM EST
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