Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Indeed. Bus --mass transit par excellence-- is how black folk have traveled US America, because price, because "fierce urgency of now". We were both seasoned adults in '95, ARG. But how you or I recall the effort to assemble peacefully (1st Amd) in D.C., to instantiate protest of gov't sanctined abridgements of civil rights (from abortion to voting, housing, employment) varies wildly, I'll warrant. It was a "thing" in '95 unknown since '63, '53. Subsequently, Farakhan's "entrepreneurial" accomplishment --which was specifically to instantiate the POLITICAL AGENCY of black men in apartheid USA-- was crucified by MSM for at least a decade, because his "anti-semiticism".

How Spike Lee's `Bus' Trumped The Million Man March (2010 ->1996-> 1995)

The Internet was young in those days, so men mainly got wind of the march through church, their favorite watering hole or the barbershop, which is where I first heard about it.
My bus had a mixture of young and old heads on board. There was some singing, a lot of debating, but no violence. Cursing was not allowed on the bus, and at least one person was taken to task for firing up a joint (we may not have known what kind of party it was, but we knew it wasn't that kind of party). We were all bracing for a life-changing experience, but when we got to D.C., there was no itinerary; we were on our own.

MSM subsequently adopted q Million [*] March events standard.

Ask yourself, "SELF, why don't I know how many of 6,000 estimated UNITE TO RITE protesters? Did all 6,000  arrive in passenger cars and park at UVA lots? Is 6,000 or 1,000 less than one million? Is there video?"

It didn't happen, if there's no video.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Fri Aug 18th, 2017 at 09:32:15 AM EST
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Well, travel by bus, such as Greyhound or Continental Trailways, has substantially collapsed in the USA in the last 20 years. I saw many abandoned former bus terminals in LA before I left and have found there is no regularly scheduled bus service in Mountain Home, Ar. This was why I expected that how ever many Unite the Right demonstrators came, they mostly came by charter bus. The parking would have been a problem indeed. Though some may have come by car and stayed in motels. Were anyone actually interested in investigating the details of the episode the chartering of buses would likely be a good place to start.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Sun Aug 20th, 2017 at 04:32:36 AM EST
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