Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I will agree with you about Peterson's bias about greatest evils. The Jungian archetypes, Campbell's Hero's Journey are indeed superficial... if there is nothing to change in your comfortable life.

But the embraced women, minorities may surprise progressive triangulators again by finding, hoping or voting for a better life than offered by the decaying, ever defrauded welfare state as the singularly alpha provider and protector.

Young men are particularly interested in getting life. As ever, their majority struggles to fetch social power (while young women achieve it easily now). The dominant effect of #MeToo is to compound that inhibition for taking initiative, finding own social place, breaking out of obedient quiet desperation. Peterson has little competition for attention of those men.

by das monde on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 11:03:14 AM EST
".. decaying, ever defrauded welfare state .."

Difficult to put my finger on what you precisely mean by this, seems a broad allegation.

In most Western European nations, in particular for The Netherlands where I reside, the superfluous welfare state has been forced to cut back since the 1980s. Fraud in welfare dwarfs by any other white collar crimes of defrauding the state or by not paying your fair share of taxes. See Trump and the USA, cutting back on corporate tax and handouts to some who don't need it with the intent to supply money into the economy. The backlash will come in the short term as the interest rates rise to normalcy and the debt burdened corporations and national treasuries will start feeling the pinch.

In the meantime, the EU of Brussels will have to contend to debt laden countries like Italy who want to escape austerity measures on the populist vote.

First under PM Ruud Lubbers and thereafter under PM Wim Kok (PvdA - Labour) the Dutch welfare state did get major cutbacks. Both the CDA and PvdA play a minor role in Dutch politics today and had to move more to the right of party platform and policy spectrum to survive.

Business as usual? White collar crime as 'economic' news.
Dutch tax havens - corporate tax cheating
How to Crack Down on Tax Havens, Start With the Banks

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 12:36:18 PM EST
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As well, by "fraud" I mean takeovers of government agencies by actually opposite agendas. Think of Trump's agencies indeed. For quite some time various progressives appear to be toxically powerless to withstand that.
by das monde on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 12:47:01 PM EST
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hahaha. And we all thought you were talking about all those wimmin and minorities sucking on the welfare teat. More fool us.

How very Petersonian of you.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 03:05:22 PM EST
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After several years in Japan, I may tend to share the duty of communication comprehension with the listener.
by das monde on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 03:33:35 PM EST
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You're seeking cultural excuses for your attempts at plausible deniability.

Tough luck, I'm less polite than the average Japanese.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 05:02:32 PM EST
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Did a give much validation to you?
by das monde on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 06:44:56 PM EST
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I am satisfied that you've related this Peterson character to Bernard-Henri Levy and Richard Spencer in one breath, so to speak. Many more have appeared in westworld histories of real and imagined homicidal --and ahh femicidal and infanticidal-- mania.

I had a good amount of fun ridiculing Levy [School of *] over '12, '13, when I wasn't chastising Geert "The Hair Shirt Crusader" Wilders. Or Obama and resurrected Bushes. Subsequently, last night, or the wee hours this morning, I was moved to revisit Sartre, A Life to cast febrile suspicion at the other Levy (Benny), alias Pierre Victor [!], "the Maoist" and, perhaps more significant, the death-bed secretary of "The Untouchable". The lesser Levy --among contemporaries of dispossessed [jews] in colonial France seeking ahh prodigal legitimacy -- appears belatedly in this particular stream as B-H.

So far as a neurosis is really only a private affair, having its roots in personl causes, archetypes play no role at all. But if it is a question  of a general incompatibility or an otherwise injurious question productive of neuroses in relatively large numbers of individuals, then we must assume the presence of constellated archetypes. Since neuroses are in most cases not just private concers, but social phenomena, we must assume that archetypes are constellated in these cases too. [Jung: 47]
Jung has more to say about the implications in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious with which American-style behavioral psychologist ...or neurologists ... are likely unfamiliar, being ahh unschooled in ahh therapeutic dialectic techniques, apart from ritual baptism.

Americans, as a rule, are no good interpreting symbolic language. So I am rather disinterested in the particulars of any "alt-right" personnage who has lately hijacked the US American ahh unconsciousness of the dispossessed. Where "we" sip is the "realm," or banks, of archetypes to which das monde poetically refers. To my mind, attention directed to the abnormal psychology of an individual by anonymous spectators is an activity best left to wardens, while the remainder attempt how best to express normal psychology. There is much introspection to be done on this account in so far as a "hierarchy" of deserving murders rules socially acceptable behavior within the society issuing critiques of themselves.

## Sociopaths teaching sociopaths manners.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Nov 14th, 2018 at 06:57:26 PM EST
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